Zmiany w usłudze ABBYY SMUA


Szanowni Paćstwo

Na prośbę firmy ABBYY, producenta rozwiązać SDK, przesyłamy informację o wchodzących w życie od 01 lipca 2016, zmianach w usłudze ABBYY SMUA.

Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z załączonymi materiałami.

Jeśli pojawią się dodatkowe pytania zapraszamy do kontaktu.

Thank you for being with ABBYY SDK!
We value our cooperation with you company as growing and successful developer.

We’re in ABBYY also developing and offering new features and technologies (almost each quarter we launch new realizes to the SDKs and once per 2-3 years we launch new version of the products)
Once a year we organize a life seminar, where except new information is possible to talk to other developing companies and share the ideas.
Our technical team is always learning and working on projects and ready to help you upon your request.  

We believe you’re also developing your solution and thinking about new features.
Please do not forget to upgrade your ABBYY SDK till the last version and secure your ABBYY SDK licenses with technical support subscription. You will get not only the new features and technologies, but also the insurance, that in any urgent case, we’re ready to provide you with the maximum support.

We’d like kindly remind you that new realizes, versions and basic technical support are available upon additional payment subscription (UA/SM/SMUA). Please find detailed description about each type of subscription on the next pages.

Microsoft has a practice to upgrade their Operating System often.
Only last ABBYY SDK versions are tested for compatibility with last Windows OS.

For any details and further communication about SM/UA/SMUA subscriptions please contact our country partner in Poland – AutoID

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