FineReader Engine/FlexiCapture Engine Koniec wsparcia technicznego dla wersji 7,8

Szanowni Paćstwo

6470e_benefit_save_time_405x130Na prośbę firmy ABBYY, producenta rozwiązać SDK, przesyłamy informację odnośnie terminu w którym ABBYY przestanie wspierać starsze wersję produktów dla firm Developerskich. Z dniem 01.07.2017 zostanie zatrzymane wsparcie dla następujących wersji produktów ABBYY Engine SDK: ABBYY FineReader Engine w wersji 7 i 8 i ABBYY FlexiCapture Engine w wersji 8. Dodatkowo po ukazaniu się najnowszej wersji ABBYY FineReader 12 Engine i ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 Engine wsparcie dla wersji ABBYY FineReader Engine 9 , ABBYY FlexiCapture Engine 9 zostanie zakoćczone po okresie 6 miesięcy.

Poniżej oficjalna informacja od producenta.

Jeśli pojawią się dodatkowe pytania zapraszamy do kontaktu.

Dear partners!

Thank you for your loyalty and cooperation over the past years. We appreciate our partnership and through your advices and comments, we are developing better solutions.

In the World everything tends to change and we are not an exception. We seek to maintain the most advanced technology and it leaves us no resources to support compliance with our older releases new versions of operating systems. As we told before, we support all our products with a version number minus 2 from the current (now we are supporting 9 version). To make our new technology better we need to get rid of old version products. This will help us to put all our efforts into creating new innovative solutions.

That’s why we have to inform you that from 01-07-2017 support of old versions of ABBYY FineReader Engine (versions 7 and 8) and ABBYY FlexiCapture Engine (version 8) will be end, because the latest version is 11.

It won’t be possible any more to: add activations/deactivations, add/remove additional functionalities, provide support etc.

Please, consider to upgrade to newest versions until 01-07-2017

After launch ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 and FlexiCapture Engine 12 support of ABBYY FineReader Engine 9 and FlexiCapture Engine 9 will be ended in 6 month respectively.

We are ready to provide you with free trial of ABBYY FineReader Engine 11 and ABBYY FlexiCapture Engine 11. For this, please, send us request by email.

In case if you have 7/8/9 Engine (FineReader or FlexiCapture) version and you will upgrade until 01-05-2017 we can apply 50% discount for future Maintenance service (Software Maintenance and Upgrade Assurance) for 1 year (Developer License and RunTimeLicenses)

More about changes in FineReader Engine  –

More about changes in FlexiCapture Engine –

We hope that our latest SDK technology will help you to improve quality of your solutions.

Aktualne wersje – produkty FineReader

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